The Most Vile, Puke inducing, Hard to watch Videos on the Internet.

Mexican Cartel shows beheading of Man as he tries to stay alive

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration4:18
  • Views1,707,522
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Man inserts jar into anus then it shatters cutting his insides as he bleeds out

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration2:18
  • Views2,564,284
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Man with putrid smegma is cleaned up by Asian girl

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration1:39
  • Views1,391,289
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A Peta video showing the skinning process at a Chinese Fur Farm

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:39
  • Views474,056
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A Man puts a Drill bit into his split open Penis

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:25
  • Views864,630
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

An Old Woman's Eye Socket is filled with Maggots as they operate in the Hospital

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:43
  • Views434,978
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Young man attempts to clear a ledge while cliff diving into harbor and ends up mangling his entire face

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:50
  • Views577,003
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A Man gets a hot iron pressed on his penis

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:09
  • Views824,821
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A man stuck on the tracks spins like a top between the train and the platform

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:40
  • Views528,663
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A kitten has a Botfly feeding inside it's eye socket

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:38
  • Views248,503
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A Snapping Turtle guts it's prey during feeding time

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:33
  • Views286,874
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

An escape artist films their own death as they fail to get out of a new trick and they end up drowning

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration1:50
  • Views692,402
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

After getting into an accident the car catches on fire as this man escapes out of the front window on fire

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration1:16
  • Views355,327
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

A woman is repeatedly stabbed by an ex lover in broad daylight

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:53
  • Views734,445
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Two lesbians from Japan doing a porn scene with every sort of pukable liquid

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:19
  • Views640,556
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Test footage showing performer messing up the trick and knifing his hand

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:45
  • Views481,265
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Scene from Jackass where they give each other paper cuts

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:52
  • Views398,728
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet

Two girls incorrectly place their arms for an arm wrestle and a bone snaps

  • DateMar.25
  • Duration0:30
  • Views585,861
  • TypeIn the Gauntlet
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